Prenuptial Agreements
Prenuptial Agreements
Prenuptial Agreements Verses Postmarital Contracts
The issue of prenuptial agreements tends to get
sensationalized in the media, especially when celebrities with high net worths
decide to divorce. However, most prenuptial
agreements are much less exciting and much more common than most laypersons
realize. Before we discuss some of the
reasons and requirements for prenuptial agreements, it will be helpful to look
at terminology and definitions.
Prenuptial agreements are executed before the marriage and
are also referred to as antenuptial agreements, premarital agreements,
prenuptial contracts, or prenups for short.
Agreements made after the marriage is in place are referred to as
postnuptial, postmarital, or simply marital agreements.
What is a Prenuptial Agreement?
While the concept of a contract isn't always the first thing
that a person thinks of when they hear the word "marriage", that's exactly what
it is. Marriage is a contract between
two people who agree to live their lives in a certain way. This often includes having and raising
children, where they live, what they buy, who they give gifts to, and how they
spend their time. A prenuptial agreement
is simply a second contract that spells out a couple's wishes with respect to
one or more of those decisions both during the marriage and in the event it
For example, a couple entering a second marriage with grown
children may want to keep their property separate to protect the inheritance
rights of those children. In fact, this
is a very common reason for prenups. But
there are others that include:
Protecting one of the spouses from the prior
debts or obligations of the other, such as student loans, medical bills, or
charitable gift commitments
Keeping a prior business, real estate holdings,
or other assets separate from the marital assets
Clarifying rights or obligations of each person
during the marriage, perhaps with respect to bank or investment accounts
Avoiding prolonged and public litigation in the
event of a divorce
Of course, there are many more reasons for premarital
agreements, each with its own advantages and potential pitfalls. This is why having experienced legal counsel
is so important when creating these arrangements.
What Makes a Premarital Agreement Valid?
As with any legal matter, the laws of a particular
jurisdiction will control whether an agreement is valid and enforceable. Therefore, you will want to be careful to
consider how a change in residence during the marriage may or may not impact
the validity of your agreement. With
that said, there are a few requirements that are generally standard for
determining whether a prenup will be enforced:
The document must be written and signed by both
parties. Witness signatures and
notarization are also common requirements.
The agreement must be entered into voluntarily
and without any coercion. Certainly
threatening someone to sign a prenup is grounds for invalidity. However, presenting a fiancé with a prenup very
close to, or on, the wedding day may also be considered coercive.
Both parties must disclose their true financial
situations and cannot hide assets, liabilities, or other aspects of their net
The terms of the agreement must be conscionable
and cannot put either party at a severe disadvantage.
In addition to the above, both
parties to a prenuptial should be represented by legal counsel. While not required, having only one person
represented by an attorney can cause problems later when a court is evaluating
the fairness of the agreement.
Contact Our Experienced
Prenuptial Agreement Attorneys Today
If you have marriage plans and are
considering a prenuptial agreement, please contact our office today to speak
with an experienced family law attorney.
All information you share is kept strictly confidential, even if you
decide not to hire our law firm or end up completing a premarital
agreement. However, after your
consultation, you will have answers to the most important questions as well as
a clear path forward for achieving your goals.
We look forward to speaking with you.